Freitag, 1. Januar 2010

Welcome to the new year

A new year has begun, another year is over.
And so I hope that you will find some time to think
about it.
What was good, what was bad?
Where did you meet God the last year?

I really liked the church service yesterday evening,
where we heard about Psalm 103.
Everybody could light a candle to thank God for something
concerning the last year and everybody could put a stone
into "God's hands" which should symbolize our sorrows or grief.
God knows about that and he will care.

But now, welcome to 2010!
I don't know your expectations, maybe you haven't any,
but I really have a lot!
Especially concerning my spiritual life.
I want to meet Jesus, not even in my church, but "on the street".
I want to find a way to find HIS heart and to understand on which
ways HE meets my heart best.
I want to meet people. I want to overcome my addictions.
I want to be free to love-to give and to receive!
I want to find ways to deal better with my emotions.

Maybe these expectations are too many for one year.
It won't be long and 2010 will be over as well....
time is running fast, but I hope that Jesus will be on my side
and that He will lead me and that He will show me much of His beauty.
I'm hoping for intimacy and adventure.

...and I want do get my driver's license for motorcycles!!!
I'm really excited and I'm really looking foreward to it :)
Thank you, Jesus!

" Bless the Lord, O my soul;
And all that is within me, bless His holy name!
Bless the Lord, O my soul,
And forget not all His benefits:
Who forgives all your iniquities,
Who heals all your diseases,
Who redeems your life from destruction,
Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies.
Who satisfies your mouth with good things,
so that your youth is renewed like the Eagle's..."
Psalm 103, 1-5